Μινεάπολη: Αστυνομικοί πυροβολούν με πλαστικές σφαίρες τηλεοπτικό συνεργείο του Reuters
…την ώρα που κάλυπταν τις διαδηλώσεις και τα επεισόδια μετά τη δολοφονία του Τζορτζ Φλόιντ
My security advisor and I were shot with rubber bullets tonight. He had PRESS labeled clearly and visibly on his bulletproof vest
Before being shot, at a separate incident, I was directly aimed at. I took cover https://t.co/HYYwN4Pkka pic.twitter.com/6HwxXiyWQ1
— Julio-César Chávez (@JulioCesrChavez) May 31, 2020
Tonight I was shot in the arm and the back of my neck with rubber bullets in the middle of covering the Minneapolis protests. My security advisor was shot in the face; his gas mask protected him.
Here’s what happened: https://t.co/fwwVLAxFIY
Here’s what it looks like: pic.twitter.com/UwSBqpHv5N
— Julio-César Chávez (@JulioCesrChavez) May 31, 2020